Removal Request

We will not remove any listing for IP addresses listed on proxad/Iiard (France)
Your public IP address is not in our database
  • Don't panic - Really. In no way are you personally being accused of being a spammer. An entry was merely reported to our database. The reasons are infinite, but whatever the reason was, we cannot tell you for sure.
  • If you are a network administrator responsible for an IP that is currently on our list, please enter the IP address you wish to remove in the form below.
  • If you added the details that you are trying to remove, do not use this form. Instead, remove the record from your My Spammers page
  • We do not accept requests from "disposable" email addresses
  • We will send you a confirmation email, which will provide a confirmation code and details about how to continue with your request. Using a fake email address or an email address that is not the email address you want removed, will result in the request being cancelled
  • Due to abuse of the automated data removal system, we have moved to a newer, semi-automated process which now requires a brief manual investigation of all data submitted for removal. Before your removal request is processed, you must read, understand and agree to the terms defined herein. By submitting this form, you acknowledge you have read, understood and agree to the following:
  1. Your request for removal is not immediate. Your removal request will be placed into a non-public review queue and investigated in the order in which it was received. This process may take up to, but generally no longer than 24 hours from the time of your submission.. The data you supply when you submit your request for removal will be used for the purposes of investigating your removal claim. The data will be cross-referenced to a number of other available databases and resources toward that end.
  2. Should the results of our investigation prove that current data had been previously entered fairly, that data will be remain in our database permanently.. Those who have been found to be abusing this removal system will have their information handled and/or shared at the discretion of the administrators and moderators of Stop Forum Spam. Blatant and rampant abuse of this system may result in blanket blacklisting, host banning or similar.

If you agree to these terms, and would like your data reviewed and queued for removal, please fill out the form below, include any comments or evidence to support your claim and submit the removal request.

Please read this page for a lot more information about listings and removal

IP Address
Your email address
Site that refused you access
  I agree to all the terms and conditions